Political Science | NorthWest Arkansas Community College-nba买球正规

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Political Science

Capital Building

Political science courses involve the study of government and politics at the city, state, national and global levels. You'll learn about the perennial issues of collateral damage, environmental destruction, genocide, human rights, ideology clashes, regulations, revolutions, taxes and terrorism.

Political science courses can fulfill general education requirements for many of NWACC's degree paths and can be transferred to a four-year university.

If you decide to transfer and pursue a bachelor's degree in political science courses, you can find employment opportunities in public service, activism, journalism, law, lobbying, public policy, political campaigning, data analysis and more.

View NWACC's political science courses


Model United Nations

NWACC also has a Model United Nations team that competes in college tournaments. The team role-plays countries in United Nations committees and competes against other colleges and universitie. Find out more about joining the team by emailing ModelUN@lakewoodhearingaid.com or learn about registering a team for NWACC's Model United Nations Conference.